Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: central europe

Select The Threat from Within across Empires: Strikes, Labor Migration, and Violence in Central Europe, 1900–1914
Central European History
Select The Threat from Within across Empires: Strikes, Labor Migration, and Violence in Central Europe, 1900–1914

Strikes, Labor Migration, and Violence in Central Europe

A Century of Occupations, Political Experiments and Renewed Statehood in Central Europe as Reflected in Postage Stamps (and History Teaching)
CzechPolish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
A Century of Occupations, Political Experiments and Renewed Statehood in Central Europe as Reflected in Postage Stamps (and History Teaching)

Political Experiments and Renewed Statehood in Central Europe

The Notion of Nobility and the Impact of Ennoblement on Early Modern Central Europe
Central European History
The Notion of Nobility and the Impact of Ennoblement on Early Modern Central Europe

Nobility of Early Modern Central Europe

The «Other Europe» Since the End of the Cold War: Scope, Specificity, Perspectives
Historical and political researches
The «Other Europe» Since the End of the Cold War: Scope, Specificity, Perspectives

Europe Since the End of the Cold War

Land Reform After World War II. Legislation in Poland
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne
Land Reform After World War II. Legislation in Poland

Land Reform After World War II

Underground Publishing, Samizdat and Central Europe
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Underground Publishing, Samizdat and Central Europe

Samizdat and Central Europe

